1. Analysis and evaluation of the current state of the system

Our company will provide sampling, make analysis of the system and propose a suitable solution for filtration / recycling of mixtures.

 2. Take-back of used glycol-based heat transfer and antifreeze fluids

On the basis of the analysis, we will arrange for the take-back of used MEG (Monoethylene Glycol) and PPG (Propylene Glycol) based antifreeze, including draining from the system and transport. The source for take-back can be all liquids, regardless of the degree of visual contamination, with a minimum glycol concentration of 25%. We can arrange take-back on terms more favourable than handing over the mixtures for disposal.

 3. Filtration of heat transfer fluids based on MEG (MonoethyleneGlycol) and PPG (PropyleneGlycol)

We offer the possibility to filter even in your premises. This option always depends on the specific system conditions and quantities. Using our mobile filtration equipment, we will recover up to 85% of the existing liquid and deliver the rest of the new mixture in the required ratio.

Filtration procedure:

➡ Sampling and analysis in the laboratory

➡ Pumping of the mixture into the supplied tanker/IBC containers.

➡ Filtration of the mixture

➡ Analysis of filtered mixture using mobile equipment

➡ Replenishment with concentrate to the required value

➡ Addition of corrosion inhibitors and additives

➡ Product analysis using mobile instruments

➡ Refilling the filtered mixture back into the system

➡ Waste removal

4. Recycling unit rental

 Our units are flexible, pre-engineered, standardized and ready-to-assemble glycol recovery stations.

Rental of the unit is without investment and operating costs are re-directed to DC Solutions (except electricity costs).

Full support in case of any technical problems is included.

Only condition is to provide a certain annual volume of recyclate, about 100-300 m³ - depends on quality of product.

Training of operators

Unit is fully automatic and can be operated remotely, however, the personnel still needs to be trained how to run the unit safely and how to carry out maintenance. This will also include in-depth training on how to identify and manipulate with glycols.


For recycling we can use both - ethylene and propylene glycols. DCS can provide sampling and make analysis of the source material proposed for recycling.

Keep in mind that waste glycol is a hazardous waste that requires costly recycling.


Short delivery time.

Operating costs of our unit are very low.

Short return on investment due to the high price of glycols.

Compact design for small footprint, less instruments, simple piping and installation.

Automated design for easier operation - PLC control with touch screen HMI provides automatic control and can be optionally equipped with remote access and control.

Made in EU according to European norms and standards.